Friday, August 29, 2008

melayu punya

saya tujukan dedikasi ini khas utk rakan sebilik saya. beliau mengadu yang saya hanya menulis dalam bahasa inggeris. baiklah kali ini saya tulis menggunakan bahasa ibunda kita semua. nak cakap pasal apa ya?

mungkin pasal aktiviti di hujung minggu. esok kami akan buat aktiviti makan-makan (ala2 kenduri mini) berserta doa selamat. rakan sebilik telah lulus peperiksaan beliau. she's an affiliate now! (opss tercakap bahasa inggeris la!ampun) ..hehe.. dahulu, sewaktu beliau sedang mengambil kertas terakhir yang maha menyeksakan ini, saya dan rakan baik kami telah berjanji akan membuat pulut kuning jikalau beliau lulus. dan alhamdulillah, lulus pun :). sebab tu la kitorang nak buat doa selamat sket. saya akan buat pulut kuning dan nasya akan masak rendang. kebetulan juga, ada 3 org lagi yg menyambut hari lahir dlm minggu yang sama. kira semua dalam satu la nie.. ada kenduri kesyukuran, sambutan harijadi dan juga sempena menyambut Ramadhan.

malam ni pulak ada malam bersosial bersama rakan-rakan sekerja. penat tuuu.. dah balik makan2 minum2 mabuk2 ..erkk yg last tu tak.. nak kene siap2 utk memasak esok. tapi seronok. maklumlah, ada 2 hari sahaja kan sebelum kita berpuasa.

eh babe, ok ker aku tulis? astagaa..melalut okay! hahahahah


i was called to write this blog due to few reasons, but most important is i want to train myself being an outspoken person - as if not being loud but to throw out all my thoughts and of course to journal my own life so that i can share that little experience with the others. sometimes i do feel that i only speak out my mind and feelings half of the contents. i remember once Dr Tengku Asmadi said to us 4 yrs ago, that to be an outstanding person you have to let out all your thoughts and ideas. and it takes a period of time of that 'throwing' process until you produce a masterpiece :)

i know that i should have started long time ago. but 25 is not too late kan?

and in case you're wondering why it is named as 'the yellow bus', simply because i ride that yellow double decker bus no. 83 from my house straight to the office everyday, with my roommate. oh yes my roommate works in the same firm ,same department and same level. berdua lebih baik katanya. haha.

time is gold

already book ticket to balik kampung end of this year. and for a short 3-wks holidays cost me €1200. ishh satu hari=RM285 ? patutla orang2 tua kata.. MASA ITU EMAS. damn expensive! i know it's not a wise decision to go back in december because that is the most peak time during the year and the fact that i also have to take unpaid leaves and couple of days from next year hols. ah.. again time is gold! oh that bloody €1200 baru direct cost, not included the rest expenses - shoppings,jalan2,makan2 bersuka ria etc etc.. no wonder i never have any savings after 2 yrs working in dublin. pity me :)


after being undecisive for too long, today the bus opens its way to the blogging world :)
saya cinta bas kuning!